
Showing posts from April, 2023

French: animal habitats: lesson 2

 Year 4 sang their song and revised their new vocabulary.They then learnt the names of different types of habitats, identifying the animals found in those habitats. They then looked  at how to write the names of the animals in the plural form. They then wrote sentences using a given sentence structure.

French: Le Carnival des animaux: lesson 1

  Year 4 started a new topic based on a piece of music called The carnival of the animals by a French composer,  Camille Saint-Saëns. They listened to the music and tried to guess which animal the music sounded like.They sang their new song and learnt some vocabulary related to the the piece of music. They then labelled images of their animals.

ART - New unit on Kehinde Wiley

 This week year 4 have begun a new unit for the summer term. They have begun to study an artist called Kehinde Wiley, Wiley explored 18th century art and felt there was a significant lack of black people included in paintings at this time. In our first lesson we explored the artists background and some of the work that he has created, including a famous portrait of Barack Obama the ex am American president. They began to create floral backgrounds and we took some pictures ready to draw our self portraits next week. 

French: Easter

 Year 4 found out about how the French celebrate Easter. They then used a French/English dictionary to complete an Easter activity.

French: lesson 5: Diary entry

Year 4 revised different sports doing actions for each of them. They revised the days of the week, which they then used to write their own sports diary.