
Showing posts from September, 2022

PE- Circuits

 Today, we looked at circuit training and the different parts of our body we can exercise in the different circuits. We had squats, shoulder presses, step ups and planks. After we had a quick chat about the importance of safety when using the equipment, the children were away. To challenge ourselves, we looked at how we could increase the weight of our squats whilst keeping a proper technique. 

MUSIC - To create a soundscape with an identifiable structure

 In Music today Year 4 revisited the hot air balloons and we began to talk about how we can symbolise different sounds, such as the whooosh of the hot air filling the balloon, the sounds of the material flapping as it fills with air, the creaks of the basket and the sounds of the people. We talked about pitch, duration, texture, structure and timbre.  Working in groups, the children were given a specific part of the journey and they had to create a soundscape for that part - inflating, rising and drifting.  Next week, they will practice their soundscape with tuned and untuned instruments. 

29.09.22 Mosaics Art

Today in Art Year 4 created Geometric mosaics. They carefully coloured their mosaic squares using squared paper and cut them out ready to begin placing them on their mosaic template.   

French: Celebrating the European Day of Languages: Spanish

  Year 4 celebrated the European Day of Languages today during their French lesson. This is an annual event,  generally celebrated on the 26th of September.  As we have a variety of languages spoken in our school, a language relevant to a child in each year group was chosen.  Year 4 found out about Spain  and Spanish. They counted to 10 in Spanish, coloured in the Spanish flag, learnt some Spanish greetings, identified Spain on a map of Europe and then created a factfile with some interesting facts.