
Showing posts from February, 2023

World Book Week - Introduction

Today Year 4 were surprised to find a crime scene set up in the corridor as they arrived in school. Our task was to investigate and see if we could identify anything that tied the clues together… We explored each of the clues and discovered that the link was ‘fairy tales’. We talked about fairy tales and thought about what they all have in common, deciding that sometimes the character are a bit silly! Our text this week is called Instructions and it is a poem by Neil Gaiman. In it, the author offers advice to fairy tale characters through the form of instructions. We will be using this text to inspire our own writing this week. 

MUSIC - BBC Ten Pieces

 Over the next few weeks, Year 4 will be following a series of lessons from the BBC Ten Piece units. Their focus is the incredible Hans Zimmer (a German composer who has written music scores for over 150 movies and has been nominated for 10 Oscars). He has composed a piece called Earth especially for this unit of work. Children listened to an introduction about the piece, a bit from Hans Zimmer himself, and the musical performance of the piece.  While listening children had to illustrate what they thought the music was describing in a circle that represents Earth. There were some amazing interpretations! 

Computing - Count Controlled Loops in Scratch

In Computing this week we were exploring how count controlled loops can be used to make our code easier to write. We compared our experience of using Logo to Scratch and created our own code to draw shapes. 

English - Space Escape Room

 Today in English we were introduced to our new text: Hidden Figures. The story explores the lives of four black women who worked for NASA as computers in the 20th Century.  As these four women were good at maths ( really good) we had to complete some maths and space related activities to escape the classroom in time for break. We worked in teams to complete the tasks and break the code - we just managed it in time!