
Showing posts from October, 2023

French: lesson 5: Dans ma trousse

 Year 4 revised all work done so far and sang their song. They then learnt some new vocabulary pertaining to what they would find in their pencil case. The y then chose a pencil case design and drew and labelled the contents of their pencil case. 

French: lesson 4: using J’aime and Je n’aime pas

 Year 4 sang their song and learnt new school vocabulary. They practised saying different verbs while acting them out. They then said and wrote sentences using J’aime and Je n’aime pas.

RE Day - Neighbours

Today we have been learning about community and the importance of neighbours to Christians. We read the story of the Good Samaritan and discussed the hidden meanings of the parable. We considered how Christians feel about being a good neighbour and also our own thoughts about this. We then retold the story of the Good Samaritan using a modern context, creating story cubes to communicate this. 

French:lesson 3: Being a language detective

 Year 4 sang their song and looked at a poem with some new back to school vocabulary which we read together. They identified words that looked similar to English words and we discussed why the word, new, had two different spellings. The children then annotated their copyist of the poem. 

Author Visit - Helen Dennis

 We were really thrilled this afternoon to welcome Helen Dennis into school. As a part of the IOW Literary Festival, Helen came in to talk to us about writing, her books and being an author. We were really interested in her experiences and loved listening to her stories. 

European Day of Languages - Spanish

   The European day of languages is celebrated every year on the 26 September. Year 4found out about Spain, Spanish food and  culture and learnt some Spanish greetings and numbers. They then created a visual fact file about what they had  learnt.